Auth system integrations (Enterprise)

Memgraph supports authentication and (optional) authorization using a custom built external auth module. The two supported operation modes are:

  • [DEPRECATED] authentication only (username/password verification)
  • authentication and authorization (username/password verification and user to role mapping)

When a user connects to Memgraph, the database will forward the user's supplied username and password to the external auth module and wait for it to deliver the authentication and authorization verdict back to the database. Based on the returned verdict, Memgraph will either close the connection to the connected user or will allow the connection and associate the connection with the appropriate role.

When Memgraph is switched to use the external auth module for authentication its internal users are automatically disabled. All users are authenticated only using the module, existing local users are ignored. In order to authorize query execution, the auth module must return a role associated with the user. This role must be registered locally on Memgraph.

As this is an Enterprise feature, once the Memgraph Enterprise license expires, newly created users will be granted all privileges. The existing users' privileges will still apply but you won't be able to manage them.

Configuration flags

Use the following configuration flags to configure the external auth module authentication and authorization mechanisms used by Memgraph.

--auth-module-executablePath to the executable that should be used for user authentication/authorization.
--auth-module-create-missing-userDEPRECATED No authentication data is modified by the auth module
--auth-module-create-missing-roleDEPRECATED No authentication data is modified by the auth module
--auth-module-manage-rolesDEPRECATED No authentication data is modified by the auth module
--auth-module-timeout-msSpecifies the maximum time that Memgraph will wait for a response from the external auth module.
--auth-password-permit-nullCan be set to false to disable null passwords.
--auth-password-strength-regexThe regular expression that should be used to match the entire entered password to ensure its strength.


Memgraph uses inter-process pipes to communicate with the module. The module will receive auth requests on file descriptor 1000 and has to return auth responses to file descriptor 1001. The standard streams (stdin and stdout) aren't used because external libraries often tend to write something to stdout which is difficult to disable. By using separate file descriptors, stdout is left intact and can be used freely for debugging purposes (along with stderr).

The protocol used between Memgraph and the module is as follows:

  • Each auth request is sent as a JSON encoded object in a single line that is terminated by a \n.
  • Each auth response must be sent as a JSON encoded object in a single line that is terminated by a \n.
  • Auth requests are objects that contain the following keys:
    • username - the user's username
    • password - the user's password
  • Auth responses must be objects that contain the following keys:
    • authenticated - a bool indicating whether the user is allowed to log in to the database
    • role - a string indicating which role the user should have (must be supplied)

If the external auth module crashes during the processing of an auth request, Memgraph won't allow the user to log in to the database and will automatically restart the auth module for the next auth request. All crash logs will be seen in Memgraph's output (typically in systemd logs using journalctl).


This very simple example auth module is written in Python, but any programming language can be used.

import json
import io
def authenticate(username, password):
    return {"authenticated": True, "role": "moderator"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_stream = io.FileIO(1000, mode="r")
    output_stream = io.FileIO(1001, mode="w")
    while True:
        params = json.loads(input_stream.readline().decode("ascii"))
        ret = authenticate(**params)
        output_stream.write((json.dumps(ret) + "\n").encode("ascii"))

In the example you can see how the communication protocol works and you can see the function that is used for authentication (and authorization). When writing your own modules you have to reimplement the authenticate function according to your needs.

Because the authentication (and authorization) function has a simple signature, it is easy (and recommended) to write unit (or integration) tests in separate files. For example:

import module
assert module.authenticate("sponge", "bob") == {"authenticated": True, "role": "analyst"}
assert module.authenticate("CHUCK", "NORRIS") == {"authenticated": True, "role": "admin"}


Memgraph also supports authentication and authorization using LDAP with a built-in auth module that is packaged with Memgraph Enterprise.

The module supports two operation modes:

  • authentication only (LDAP bind request)
  • authentication and authorization (LDAP bind and search requests)

Authentication mode

When using LDAP authentication the module builds the DN used for authentication using the user specified username and the following formula:

DN = prefix + username + suffix

In most common situations the prefix will be cn= and the suffix will be ,dc=example,dc=com. With an example username alice that would yield a DN equal to cn=alice,dc=example,dc=com which will then be used for the LDAP bind operation with the user specified password.

Authorization mode

Authentication is performed in the same way as described above. After the user is authenticated, the module searches through the role mapping root DN object that contains role mappings. A role mapping object that has the current bound user as its member attribute is used as the user's role. The role that is mapped to the user is the CN attribute of the role mapping object. The attribute that contains the user DN in the mapping object, as well as the attribute that contains the role name, can be changed in the module configuration file to accommodate your LDAP schema.

When searching for a role in directories that have thousands of roles, the search process could take some time, causing long login times.

Module requirements

The module is written in Python 3 and it must be installed on the server. The Python version should be at least 3.5. Also, you must have the following Python 3 libraries installed:

  • ldap3 - used to communicate with the LDAP server.
  • PyYAML - used to parse the configuration file.

Module configuration

The module configuration file is located at /etc/memgraph/auth_module/ldap.yaml. An initial example configuration file that has all settings documented and explained is located at /etc/memgraph/auth_module/ldap.example.yaml. For quick setup, you can copy the example configuration file into the module configuration file.

Database configuration

In order to enable the use of the LDAP authentication and authorization module you have to set the flag --auth-module-executable to use /usr/lib/memgraph/auth_module/

Other flags that change the behavior of the database to module integration can be specified according to your needs.


Organizations typically use an LDAP server to hold and manage the permissions. Because LDAP servers are already set-up in most large organizations, it is convenient for the organization to allow all staff members to have access to the database using the already available centralized user management system.

For this guide let's assume that we have an LDAP server that is serving the following data:

# Users root entry
dn: ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: people

# User dba
dn: cn=dba,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: dba
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
sn: user
userpassword: dba

# User alice
dn: cn=alice,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: alice
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
sn: user
userpassword: alice

# User carol
dn: cn=carol,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: carol
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
sn: user
userpassword: carol

# User dave
dn: cn=dave,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: dave
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
sn: user
userpassword: dave

# Roles root entry
dn: ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: roles

# Role superuser
dn: cn=superuser,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: superuser
member: cn=dba,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
objectclass: groupOfNames
objectclass: top

# Role moderator
dn: cn=moderator,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: moderator
member: cn=alice,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
objectclass: groupOfNames
objectclass: top

# Role admin
dn: cn=admin,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com
cn: admin
member: cn=carol,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
member: cn=dave,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com
objectclass: groupOfNames
objectclass: top

To summarize, the dataset contains the following data:

  • ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com - entry that holds all users.
    • cn=dba,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com - user dba that will be used as the database administrator.
    • cn=alice,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com - regular user alice.
    • cn=carol,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com - regular user carol.
    • cn=dave,ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com - regular user dave.
  • ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com - entry that holds all roles.
    • cn=moderator,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com - role moderator that has alice as its member.
    • cn=admin,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com - role admin that has carol and dave as its members.


Run Memgraph

Firs, prepare Memgraph for the integration with LDAP. Run a Memgraph instance without any users in its local authentication storage. For more details on how the native authentication storage works in Memgraph check user privileges.

Create an administrator

When using the module, all users are handled by the auth module and no user information is stored locally in Memgraph. In order to allow user login, the corresponding roles need to be defined locally.

CREATE ROLE superuser;

Once the role has been created and all privileges granted, it's safe to disconnect from the database and proceed with the LDAP integration.

Enable LDAP integration

To enable LDAP integration specify the following flag:


Also, add the following LDAP module configuration to /etc/memgraph/auth_module/ldap.yaml:

  encryption: "disabled"
  cert_file: ""
  key_file: ""
  ca_file: ""
  validate_cert: false
  prefix: "cn="
  suffix: ",ou=people,dc=memgraph,dc=com"
  root_dn: ""
  root_objectclass: ""
  user_attribute: ""
  role_attribute: ""

Adjust the security settings according to your LDAP server security settings.

Once all the configuration options are set, restart the Memgraph database instance.

Check the integration

Verify that you can log into the database using the username dba and password dba. It will confirm that the LDAP authentication is successfully enabled.

Log in other users

User alice should be able to log in with password alice. The administrator dba should modify Alice's role's privileges to include the MATCH privilege using the following query:

GRANT MATCH TO moderator;

Once Alice logs in the second time, she should be able to execute the following query:


If the dba runs the SHOW USERS; query, it won't return any users, since all users are managed by the auth module.

Users Bob, Carol and Dave will also be able to log in to the database using their LDAP password.


Enable role mapping

To enable role mapping for the described LDAP schema, modify the LDAP auth module configuration file, specifically the section roles, by adding the following content:

  root_dn: "ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com"
  root_objectclass: "groupOfNames"
  user_attribute: "member"
  role_attribute: "cn"

This configuration tells the LDAP module that all role mapping entries are children of the ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com entry, that the children have user DNs specified in their member attribute and that the cn attribute should be used to determine the role name.

When a user logs in to the database, the LDAP auth module will go through all role mapping entries and will try to find out which role mapping entry has the user as its member.

So now when Alice logs in, the LDAP auth module will go through the following entries: cn=admin,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com and cn=moderator,ou=roles,dc=memgraph,dc=com. Because Alice is a member of the moderator role mapping, the LDAP auth module will assign role moderator to Alice.

Adjust permissions

Permissions for users and roles are still managed through Memgraph, they can't be managed through the LDAP server.

The database administrator (user dba) now has to explicitly create the role the users have so they will be able to log into the database:

CREATE ROLE moderator;

In this scenario Alice and Bob will be able to log in. Alice will be allowed to log in because her role (moderator) already exists. Carol and Dave won't be allowed to log in because their role (administrator) doesn't exist.